Smaart Store

Smaartstore is a cloud based software to organise & manage stores transactions efficiently with a very flexible/user friendly framework.This software can be easily configured for centralised / decentralised stores management for medium/small scale industries. It can manage different categories of stores, viz. raw materials, consumables, equipment, spares, Electronic items, work-in process & finished goods.Organizations can receive material , issue and track inventory. Track movement of stock issues, stock transfers, material returns, material rejections.

Software provides data for tracking materials and reports (customizable as per industry requirement ) for scientific inventory control. There are add-on plug in modules of material planning that helps organisations to ward off human errors and inefficiencies.Extensive data fields help industries to have all information pertaining to manufacturers , alternatives, material standards, material drawings and revisions, shelf life , warranty quality, health and safety standards etc in one place.

All stores functions are digitally documented and helps to ensure low Turnaround Time, and Hassle free store management.

Smaartstore data can be easily integrated with the financial accounting module of the client.

Smaart Store is a solution which will bring you value & quality for money spent.